New Guarana Organic Powder

What Are the Benefits of New Guarana Organic Powder?

Market Listing – Guarana Organic Powder 100%

The guarana plant is native to Brazil, and much of the world’s guarana production takes place in this South American country. The plant’s berries feature a vibrant red shell that contains a single black seed. This seed contains roughly four times as much caffeine as a coffee bean and a significant number of antioxidants. In Brazil, guarana enjoys massive popularity both for medicinal purposes and as a source of caffeine for energy drinks.

What Are the Health Benefits of Guarana?

The numerous beneficial properties of guarana berries revolve around two main groups of natural compounds: stimulants and antioxidants. The stimulants present in guarana include theophylline, caffeine and theobromine, all of which aid in cell energy production.

  • Weight loss: By stimulating the metabolism to work faster, guarana increases the effects of exercise and ordinary fat burning alike.
  • Increased energy levels: Caffeine provides the stamina and energy needed to keep going all day long.
  • Improved mental focus: Since stimulants can pass through the blood-brain barrier, they have a positive effect on brain cells, delivering energy directly to the brain and improving memory and concentration.
  • Reduced soreness and fatigue: Caffeine provides noticeable relief from feelings of tiredness and sluggishness. It also reduces muscle pain and inflammation. This can help people to recover more quickly after intense workouts.
  • Better learning ability: Though more research is needed, some studies suggest that caffeine can improve learning skills and reasoning abilities.

Antioxidants are beneficial for preventing premature aging and UV-related damage. Guarana contains a number of antioxidants, including saponins, tannins, and catechins. These substances protect body organs.

  • Reduced LDL cholesterol levels
  • Prevention of heart and liver disease
  • Possible cancer protection

Create Incredible Guarana Products

At Infield Market, we source 100 percent sustainable, organic guarana that is certified by the USDA, Ecocert and Star-K.  This maximum-nutrient freeze dried powder comes entirely from organic guarana seeds grown in Brazil and the Philippines, and contains no additives. Whether you’re looking to market sachets and powdered blends of guarana seed extract, or produce natural energy beverages, check out our worldwide marketplace to obtain the finest guarana.

Passion Fruit Organic Powder – New Product

IM Direct Introduces Passion Fruit Organic Powder to Our Available Lineup

When it comes to exotic tastes, few inspire more romanticism than the passion fruit. Named for its gorgeous flowers, this large berry is rife with health benefits. Freeze-dried to keep all of its nutritional value, now you can enjoy those benefits whenever you’d like! Filled with antioxidants and vitamins, this additive is the perfect match for any healthy lifestyle.

View our Passion Fruit Organic Powder in the Marketplace.

The Healthy Heat of Passion

Passion fruit is associated with a host of benefits, foremost being an excellent source of antioxidants like polyphenols. These nutrients reduce the occurrence of toxic free radicals, promoting healthy aging and improved memory. Other nutrients include:

  • Beta-cryptoxanthin
  • Iron
  • Riboflavin (Vitamin B6)
  • Niacin (Vitamin B3)
  • Magnesium
  • Calcium
  • Iron phosphorous
  • Potassium
  • Sodium

With an abundance of Vitamin C and alpha-carotene, the fruit provides a boost to the immune system by stimulating white blood cell activity. In addition, a high glycemic index (GI) combined with above average fiber content makes it an excellent option to combat diabetes.

Natural and Ecological

USDA certified organic and farmed from Ecuador and the Philippines, the passion fruit is processed in the United States using a proprietary freeze-drying system that maintains its nutritional integrity. This results in a final product of 65% passion fruit, 35% organic tapioca maltodextrin; with 98% solubility, a particle size of 20 mesh, and a shelf life of up to 24 months.

A Variety of Uses

Freeze-dried passion fruit can be used as an additive for a variety of foods like yogurt and ice creams. It makes an excellent mix for blended drinks, and its high solubility makes it perfect for instant beverages, teas and other powdered blends. It can also be taken in capsule or tablet form to supplement your current course of vitamins.

Here at Infield Market Direct, we pride ourselves as a B2B supplier on providing the highest quality freeze-dried passion fruit and other dietary supplements. Contact us today to learn more about how we help people live their healthiest lifestyles.

iM Direct New Product – Acai 60 Mesh

IM Direct Introduces Freeze Dried Acai 60 Mesh, Our Newest Product

Acai berries have long been considered the quintessential power food, overflowing with antioxidants, calcium and natural fibers. Now you can have all the health benefits of these grape-like drupes at your convenience! Freeze-dried at the peak of ripeness to protect phytonutrient concentrations, they’re a perfect addition to any diet.

Packing a Punch

Though small in size, each acai berry contains a variety of health benefits. Abundant in antioxidants like anthocyanins, they promote both healthy aging and the reduction of free radicals to improve memory. They are also low in sugar while containing healthy fats like oleic acid along with vitamins and nutrients like:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C (comparable to blueberries)
  • Vitamins B1, B2, B3 and E
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Copper
  • Zinc

Known to increase immuno-response and containing high levels of natural fiber, acai berries are an excellent supplement to a daily vitamin regimen.

Nature’s Own

Certified USDA organic and evaluated by Ecocert, these berries are non-GMO and environmentally sourced for ecological sustainability. Farmed in Brazil, they are freeze-dried in the USA via a proprietary process specially designed to conserve their nutritional and health benefits. The result is a 60 mesh that contains 100% acai pulp with zero additives while still retaining all of its health benefits.  A unique flavor profile with complex notes of chocolate, blackberry, raspberry and raisins. Rich in antioxidants such as anthocyanins, so this is as purple as it gets.

Many Ways to Enjoy

In its powdered form, freeze-dried acai can be used in a variety of ways including as a food additive for ice creams and yogurt. Combine with your favorite fruits for an interesting smoothie blend or use it as a base for instant drinks, teas and other mixed beverages. Alternatively, it can be taken in capsule or tablet form for a quick boost to your daily vitamin intake.

Infield Market prides itself on being the best B2B provider of freeze-dried acai and a wealth of other nutritional and dietary supplements. For more information on how we can help you live your healthiest life, contact us today.

ACAI 60 MESH – Link to Product

iM Direct – New Freeze Dried Maqui Berry

The Antioxidant Wonder: New Freeze Dried Maqui Berry

A millennial food that has been used in traditional medicine for ages, maqui berry is a small, round and deep purple fruit that grows wild in Chile, on the edge of the Andes mountain range.  What makes our freeze dried maqui berry so special for food producers?

The Marvelous Antioxidant Berry

Maqui berries are an antioxidant powerhouse, with a higher antioxidant content than citrus fruit, acai, blueberries and raspberries. They are rich in anthocyanins, a type of antioxidant that is good for inflammation and blood pressure. Antioxidants block cell damage and promote cell health, significantly reducing the risk of serious health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and possibly even cancer.

Our maqui berry is harvested responsibly and sustainably from wild Chilean growth, and certified as organic and non-GMO by the most trusted agencies.  It contains 100 percent maqui berry pulp and seeds, completely free of additives.

Other Health Benefits:

  • Boosts immune function
  • Regulates healthy cholesterol levels
  • Assists in controlling blood sugar levels
  • Reduces inflammation naturally
  • Promotes optimal cellular health
  • Protects cells from UV-related damage

Suggested Maqui Berry Products

Maqui berry powder is popular with consumers looking to implement an organic diet. This presents manufacturers with a huge range of potential products to market, from simple repackaging of the freeze dried, nutrient-rich powder itself to tasty fruit blends geared toward improving health.

  • Smoothies
  • Supplement tablets
  • Natural extracts
  • Maqui berry powder sachets
  • Ready-to-eat desserts
  • Skin care formulations

With proprietary powder blends and extracts, your company can market directly to end consumers. Buyers can decide their favorite way to consume the berry superfood, such as sprinkled over wholegrain breakfast cereal or added to high-energy shakes.

Maqui berry also adapts beautifully to organic products such as prepackaged diet smoothie blends and nutritious fruit bowls. Berry supplements may target specific audiences, such as individuals looking to boost immune function or control blood sugar levels.

Flavor and Color

We love the subtle flavors that are almost a combination of Aronia and Acai and unique tartness.  Chocolate, raspberry, raisin and cherry all come through.  Anthocyanins are behind the deep purple and violet colors.

Take Your Natural Food Products to the Next Level

For more information about the full range of organic ingredients from Infield Market, follow us online. To purchase our popular freeze dried maqui berry right away, we invite you to create an account.

Are you at Station Dehydration

Hi all, Tim here. I wanted to take the reins and get a little more candid about this month’s topic, dehydration.

In my head, I’m still 28, but in real life, I’m …well… we’ll just go with tickling the top of the hill. After a recent workout with a friend of mine, I noticed she was downing a quenchable looking liquid from a mason jar (so you know it was legit). Anyway, I asked her what she was drinking, and she told me it was cucumber and watermelon juice. Of course, I thought to myself, after all she has been involved with some pretty big juice companies – even before they were big – like when they were still making juice in their garage. Now juice is not the point here, but let me continue. She went on to tell me that sometimes she just needs something other than water and she is working on hydrating better because whether we know it or not we all suffer from some sort of chronic dehydration for one reason or another. CHRONIC DEHYDRATION, that stuck with me.

How Dry Are You?

Sometimes you’re dehydrated, and you just know it. You can feel it in your body, literally. Other times you don’t realize it until you’re thirsty and by that point, it’s too late because you’re already quite dehydrated. Have you thought about how much water you’ve had today? Alternatively, what you’ve consumed in terms of food and beverage? You can get some alternative forms of water through diet though usually not enough to fully hydrate you.. Does your day sound something like this?

Breakfast –coffee, coffee, shake or bar, coffee, coffee

Maybe you drink a glass of water between breakfast and lunch, but maybe not.

Lunch – Iced tea, diet coke… Sandwich, burger, salad…

Afternoon caffeine or maybe you have water between lunch and dinner, but again most are not.

Dinner – Iced tea, water, diet coke, wine, beer… food

Did you get a workout in today? If you sweat like the average person, you lose .8 to 1.4 liters, or 27-43 ounces, of sweat per hour of exercise. Think of it this way, in just one hour of workout you could lose about one Big Gulp (30oz) from 7-Eleven. Yes, I went there. Not to mention, we are born with 2-4 million sweat glands, so we are primed for sweating. I mean we’re just talking about diet and exercise here, but many factors can cause dehydration:

  • Stress
  • Hormones
  • Travel
  • Work
  • Illness
  • Weather

The list goes on.

So back to my story, I took the recommendation of my workout buddy and got to work hydrating. While holding my insistently curious 15-month-old daughter, I juiced cucumbers and watermelon that night. Full disclosure: holding a toddler is not recommended when juicing, but what can I say I’m a sucker for the “dadda” chants. Anyway, I thought about the sugar intake, but knew that the fresh fruit benefits outweigh the bad. I’ve stuck with it for a few months now. Not really making any other changes to my diet, and guess what? It works. I notice the difference. My energy is up, my sleep is better, and I have more flexibility… I could go on. All these things I’m noticing are considered anecdotal, but thirst is real. Sometimes it’s even hidden as hunger.

Imagine what the benefits of proper hydration are internally? What is chronic dehydration doing to our insides? Let’s take a quick look from head to toe.

Brain Drain

Did you know that the brain is made of 60% water?  Also, it’s one of the most important things to keep hydrated because it sends signals to the rest of your body for basic movement and processes. Once dehydrated there is fatigue, delayed reaction time, memory loss, coordination issues, headaches, fogginess, dizziness, and confusion. Then there is dry eye, eyestrain, and many other cognitive problems.

Matters of the Heart

When it comes to the heart things get pretty serious. Your heart rate increases by trying to overcompensate for the lower volume of blood running through your vessels. So even though your heart rate is increased, the amount of blood your heart is circulating is smaller which means your heart is running less efficiently than it would if it was hydrated – it’s not pumping as much blood as it could to help the body run at full steam. Finally, your body is retaining more sodium in the bloodstream. High sodium in the blood causes smaller blood vessels to close putting more pressure on the main blood vessels causing your blood pressure to rise.

The Main Frame

On the inside, dehydration leaves you prone to muscle cramps and intense pain. Think of it like this, your body is like a machine without lubricants – rusty and stiff, not running smoothly. Your muscles are like beef jerky and less like a fresh juicy cut of steak. On the outside, your skin is dull, flaky and itchy. Your lips are chapped, and your hair is lifeless and split. While these things mentioned above are just a fraction of what dehydration causes it’s important to know that it runs the full gambit on your body from a mild headache to full on vomiting, kidney stones, and even hypothermia. Dehydration is no joke, even at the milder stages actions should be taken immediately to get your body back on track.

Replenish This

So how do you get yourself straightened out? Well, depending on the severity of symptoms anything from water and a snack with sodium to sports drinks or fresh fruit juice could be the answer. These beverages are stocked with electrolytes – all the nutrients, vitamins, minerals and things your body needs to recover properly. Why are electrolytes so important? Well, a recent Medical News Today article I read says it best, “an electrolyte is a substance that conducts electricity when dissolved in water. They are essential for  a number of bodily functions.”


The piece goes on to say that “many of the automatic processes in the body rely on a small electric current to function and electrolytes provide this charge.” In short, electrolytes regulate many things in the body from nerve and muscle function to hydration, blood acidity and pressure, and the regeneration of damaged tissues. Muscles and neurons rely on movement of electrolytes all around cells for proper function. This report also shares a great example of how these electrolytes work to help a muscle function saying, “a muscle needs calcium, sodium, and potassium to contract. When these substances become imbalanced, it can lead to either muscle weakness or excessive contraction.” Thinking about that and bringing it back to exercise fatigue drives it home and makes perfect sense, doesn’t it?


Formulate YOUR Hydration Own Hydration!

Hydration is key to virtually every bodily function and what I’ve discussed above are some pretty valid points in understanding how we all are suffering a various level of dehydration. We aren’t consuming enough water or electrolytes ensuring mild dehydration, and on top of that regular exertion on our body is compounding and guaranteeing a state of chronic dehydration. Getting a glass of water is easy enough, but why not get a glass of electrolytes just as easily? You can formulate your own hydration and that’s why we are so excited to announce the launch of our Super Fruit Line at Infield Market – all organic freeze-dried products:

And, one we’ve really been blown away with, Deep Ocean Minerals™. Deep Ocean Minerals™ is a mineral-derived raw material innovation manufactured from deep ocean water using a sustainable-patented process, which features a synergistic profile of over 70 essential minerals and trace elements. Deep Ocean Minerals™ are drawn from water from a minimum of 600 meters below sea level in a geographically protected location off the east coast of Taiwan. There are no sunlight or pathogens just seawater rich naturally occurring minerals that are essential to the body and are comparable to the ion profile in human blood. Several studies and published clinical research has proven that DOM provides accelerated recovery, energy and rejuvenation of the human body upon receiving the mineral-rich ocean water before, during and after physical activity.